How does the subconscious mind play a role in healing?

This is a hugely under talked about subject. Most patients come in my office wanting to get better. That seems obvious. Why else would they be in my office? However while they consciously are ready to heal, their subconscious brain isn’t always on board.

How does that work? And why?

We operate 98% of the time from our subconscious brain.

Kinda scary huh? It’s not just achieving optimal health, it could be anything you “want” that hasn’t happened yet (a better job, a partner, a happy marriage, weight loss) Your subconscious always wants to keep you safe.

We test the subconscious by using muscle testing + NET (neuro emotional technique). Example: you say “I am ok healing” and it results in a weak muscle test.

Upon further investigation we find out that if you are healthy you won’t get the attention and love you have been receiving. Or maybe once healthy you will have more responsibility or won’t feel safe.

You might be thinking “that seems crazy” and believe me I was too when I first learned about all of this - however my colleagues and I see this time and time again. Most of the time it goes back to a childhood belief system. Maybe when you were younger you mostly got affection when you were sick, or maybe in the past you were expected to achieve a lot more and found expectations were lower when you weren’t feeling well. It could be any number of things.

The body is so complex and always wanting to do what keeps you safe. You might be thinking that being healthy seems like a better option for the subconscious brain but these things aren’t straight forward.

We all operate from something called our “emotional reality”. This means that what you remember happening that is not actually historically accurate.

Example: when you were 3 you were sitting at the table eating, you didn’t finish all your food and your parents were arguing behind you. You interpreted this to be about you when in fact it had nothing to do with you. Your parents will have a completely different emotional! As a consequence, you associate not finishing all your food as a negative experience and find it hard to leave the table without clearing your plate. It can be that simple! Using muscle testing we are able to ferret out this memory and clear it so your body can create new and healthier pathways.

This often isn’t accomplished in one session however we have seen dramatic results after one session. My patients often say that they feel like they took off a heavy coat they didn’t know they were wearing or feel lighter. Their relationships improve, they feel healthier etc. Its been a game changer.

I treat the body and the mind. I see miracles when we treat the body as a whole.


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