Something is going around…

Tis the season. Welcome to fall.. headed into winter and suddenly there is something “going around” and you don’t want to catch it. Of course not! And why is this cold and flu season?

Lets back track a little. Early September most kids go back to school and what happens… everyone catches everything. We are inside our homes more often with the lower temps which means we aren’t soaking up that vitamin D and all the goodies we get from nature. This lowers our immunity and our kids immunity.

Then the sugar season starts… Halloween, Thanksgiving and finally Christmas. Sugar lowers your immunity as well. There are a whole bunch of reasons for our immune systems to weaken as the temps lower. The goal is to keep our immunity strong. How do we do that?

Stay in the sun

Don’t forget about going outside even when the temps cool off. Bundle up and catch that morning sunlight, make sure that you’re outside after work, get your kids outside after school. Make a point of it on the weekends to spend some time outdoors.

Nature does a lot more for us than we could ever imagine. Not only does it boost your immunity but it stimulates and feeds your microbiome. Your microbiome also has a relationship with your immune system but I digress, thats a whole other topic.

When we are inside more, we have more exposure to artificial air, dirty ducts, other chemicals like fragrances or cleaning supplies, all of which can lower our immunity.

There is a lot we can do to improve our air in our homes but thats a topic for another day :)

Keep your protein intake high

This is not going to be another blog or article about how you should lower your sugar intake. Lets be real. With the holiday season fast approaching you have enough experts reminding you to avoid those chocolate chip cookies and bundt cakes, I don’t need to be one of them.

What can we do to combat sugar? We can keep our protein high and also make sure we are eating protein prior to sugar.. why?

Often we crave sugar when we are nutrient depleted. We make better food decisions when we have eaten protein, our blood sugar will be more stable and we will feel more satiated.

It could be the difference between a slice of cake and the whole cake.

A good rule of thumb is .5 or .6 times your body weight in grams a day. Now that is very rough estimate. Some people feel better on more if they are super active or less if they are more sedentary. But what I can say for sure is that most women *and men, get too little protein.

Use specific supplements to enhance your immune system

Let’s chat about some of my favorite supplements for immunity beyond zinc, vitamin C etc.

Minerals. These are SO important. Your body is literally made up of the periodic table and we need to make sure we get those elements in our body for everyday functions.

HCl. This is a natural acid that our stomach makes to help break down our food as well as kill any bugs that we don’t want in our system. Most people are pretty deficient for a variety of reasons.

Immunoglobulins. These fancy things are naturally in breast milk and also naturally made in our bodies. When we take additional ones we super power our immune systems, heal our gut (which store 70-90% of our immune system), and so many other benefits.

All of these are available in my online pharmacy under favorites.. under immune. click here

Hydrate with electrolytes

On the same page as minerals but a little more specific… salt. The more hydrated we are the healthier we are. Avoiding salt has been one of the biggest misnomers we have been told.

Most people aren’t getting enough salt in their diets to begin with - especially if you are an active person.

I have seen so many benefits of people using LMNT in their water - more energy, more clarity, higher immunity etc.

Try your free sample pack of LMNT here

Want to learn more?

This is JUST the tip of the iceberg when it comes to supporting the immune system in “flu season”.

Any questions? would love to hear from you!

Happy healing!
Dr. Nicole


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